Afghanistan Now

Dear Scorpions,


The reunion committee, as all of you, is feeling the immense pain of what is currently happening in Afghanistan. We long for the peaceful country and people we knew and loved. We are all grieving.


However, we feel it is important for all of us for whom Afghanistan holds a very special place in our hearts to continue planning our reunion in Nashville next year. Meanwhile there is much that we, the AISK Scorpions, can do to help by contributing to the following organizations:


AISK for Afghans The alumni of the American International School of Kabul is providing humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan through food, mentoring of sustainable income, and education.  The goal is to provide impactful assistance to the Afghan people through the development of sustained assistance utilizing strategic and integrated efforts available and existing economic, environmental, social, and infrastructure systems within Afghanistan.


 Doctors Without Borders gives medical assistance. Move On is partnering with Doctors Without Borders.


Women for Women assists Afghan women.


PARSA Afghanistan gives Afghan leaders the support they need to effect change in their communities.


IWMF (International Women's Media Foundation) - assists Afghan women journalists.


NOWZAD assists animals in Afghanistan.


The International Rescue Committee has been able over the decades to continue to help at the local *village by village* level in Afghanistan for many years now. They have always operated at the immediate *local* level, with assistance *directly* via local village leaders, and have managed to keep all their programs in place, even in areas which were controlled *by the Taliban*. They have about 1,200 people working ongoing, including right now, throughout Afghanistan. And as an *International* organization they have been able to stay clear of the politics or of being labeled as "doing the bidding" of any one single nation. A very important part of what they do is to also help people to *Resettle*, when they have had to leave their homes or their countries.


UN Refugee Agency


Islamic Relief USA


Save The Children


No One Left Behind


Keeping Our Promise


International Refugee Assistance Project


Evacuate Our Allies


Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service


Google Doc with a list of agencies and organizations




Miles for Migrants


Mountain Bikes Afghanistan


Women At Risk International


Afghan Connections